Tensions have flared up yet again between Asian Doll and JT of City Girls, with Asian Doll reigniting their feud over accusations of style copying. She took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, April 30.
She tweeted, "The industry is the only place where hoes will literally hate your style & a couple years later pop out with that same look.".
She further fueled the fire, continuing, "This bitch want my style so fucking bad I might have to get back on my real DOLL SHIT cause the same hoes talked bout my boots is the same hoes falling on stage in big boots."
Asian Doll then went straight at JT, saying the rapper was a carbon copy of her entire look and that she, Asian Doll, was the one to bring the "doll" aesthetic to the world. The Texas rapper also referenced a recent photo of JT wearing star stickers on her nipples, which she says she did first.
I had on shoes in Detroit and slipped and fell on stage in my big boots.
While JT hasn't replied to the latest allegations, the two rappers have had a history of butting heads. The beef kicked off last month with rumors swirling that Asian Doll was taken off the Megan Thee Stallion song "Do It On The Tip" and was ultimately replaced with the City Girls. From there, the two threw barbs on the timeline, with JT even suggesting the two physically fight to hash out their issues before she thought better of it.
Before that, the situation had been diffused by Megan Thee Stallion, who tried to cool things down, but that effort did not seem to have been a long-lasting one.
This is not the first time that Asian Doll has taken a swipe at JT. In a feature by JT and Nicki Minaj on "Pink Friday 2" last year, she said JT was a front in supporting Minaj because she is only being opportunistic and not really sincere in her regard for the rapper. So far, JT has been quiet about Asian Doll's latest words, but the internet is going crazy with speculation over what might go down in the coming days.